Saturday, March 17, 2012

I Need a Vacation

 I don't know if I need a vacation or just a change of environment.  Actually with temperatures being as warm as they have been this March and predicted to go up to 80 over the next few days, the idea of going to Florida for a month seems a bit ludicrous.  But it will be fun while we're down there, Fred is coming one week and Nadine and Michael are coming the next and that's just what is currently planned.

But the reason I need to get away is just to escape the "misfortune" that has fallen my way.  At least this week it was just annoyances and nothing damaging or physically debilitating.

The Good the Bad and The Ugly - my week in review
Last Saturday we were going to Finger Lakes CC to watch Katie's basketball game.  Penfield was playing Lockport in some sectional playoff.  On the way we stopped at Hoselton to look at cars.  I spoke to Conor that week and he said there were some good deals on leases for the Highlander (which Larry has) and the Sienna (which he was thinking of getting).  "How much time should we give ourselves there so we can get to the game," I asked.  "Well, I'm not going to buy so and hour should be enough," he replied.  Famous last words.  He signed the paperwork for a new Sienna which we test drove and arranged to pick it up on Wednesday.  We missed the 1st quarter of the game, but saw Penfield win!  So far so good.

We picked the car up on Wednesday.  It's longer than the Highlander which should be great for our road trips but not so great for the garage.  Our garage needs a clean out badly so this might be just the push we need to do it.
 The car is grey but because of the lighting it doesn't look that way,  But the garage does make us look like hoarders.  Definitely needs a clean-up since I can't walk around the front of the car.
We programmed the car to work with the garage door opener but the next day when I was going to work I realized my garage door opener wouldn't work anymore.  Starting the bad - -

When I left work I was going to the Monroe Library to pick up a book on CD to listen to on the drive to Florida but when I got to my car the automatic door opener wouldn't work.  It's a keyless entry and drive system but I knew where the key was on my fob and opened the door with it for the first time, the battery was dead and it started to rain.  Inside the car I flipped through the pages of the car manual to figure out how to start the car.
1- Put the car into park
2- Put your foot on the break
3- Hold the fob against start button until beep
4-Push button within 5 seconds

I did all that and then it was pouring.  Rather than going to the library in the downpour and worry about whether it was going to start again I decided to go home and replace the battery first.  No problem about the rain, I could just pull into the garage.  STOP!!!  I remembered, my garage door opener didn't work - but that's OK I'll just call Larry and have him open the door from inside.  STOP again.  I just remembered - he went to play golf.  Rather than get upset I figured I would just sit in the driveway in my car and listen to my book until the rain let up a bit and then I'd manually open the garage door.  A GOOD in the middle of the BAD - as I made the turn, I saw that Larry was in the garage -  TIMING IS EVERYTHING.

The next day, just to round out the week, work was incredibly busy and we were there forever doing the good old paper tally.  We need computers!!!

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