Thursday, February 19, 2015

February in Webster

Conversation from February 12th
Larry to Me:  Would you like to go Cross Country Skiing today?
Me:      Didn't you mean to ask "Would I go Cross Country Skiing, not "Would I like to", because you know I never like to!"
Now I don't know why that is always my response for any kind of outdoor activity in the winter.  It could be because I hate the cold.  It could be that I don't want to have to get dressed.  Or it could be that I don't want to do anything except stay home and play on my computer or do something craftsy.
However, the truth is every time we do go do something at Larry's prodding, I LOVE IT!!!

Here are some (a lot) of the beautiful pictures from our glorious days outdoors this month in the FREEZING COLD

Monday, February 16, 2015

balab issue 02

I finally came up with a topic for a new magazine.  This one is only 24 pages with very little text so it was much easier to do.  I hope Brittany likes it.

Monday, February 9, 2015

Baby Quilt

Quilt front
Unlike my t-shirt quilt, I made this baby quilt over a few days.
I even tried a new way to sew on the binding in one strip.

Quilt Back

I used flannel for the front and fleece for the back.
I used 5 different flannel patterns and cut them into 5 inch strips with a 1/2 inch seam.
My goal was to have 4 in squares.
Then I sewed the strips together in the order I wanted them for each row.
Then I sewed them together and cut them into 5 inch strips which saved a lot of time cutting into individual 5 inch squares.
The only problem with this was that I needed to reinforce the ends so the stitching wouldn't come out.

After I sewed them together I laid the front onto the back and stitched in the ditch over all the seams.
I used this method <click here>  to put on the binding. I made the binding from another piece of flannel.