Sunday, September 27, 2015

1st Day in San Francisco

What a great day!
We started off with coffee at the hotel.  
Then  going to Old St Mary'sCathedral on Califorrnia St. aat the corner of Grant, the first cathedral built in San Francisco for the  express purpose of serving as a cathedral in 1853.
When it was built it was the tallest building in San Francisco and all of California.

From there we had an hour to get to Jane's on Fillmore to meet Meg and Aris for brunch which was only 1.6 miles away so we had time to wander around Chinatown before going there. 

 What we thought was going  to be a nice leisurely walk turned out to be a hike fit for mountain goats.  We were going along great till we came to the first uphill.  Then we had a big downhill only to find another uphill but we finished off with a downhill.  We were so happy when we finally reached Fillmore, where Jane's, our brunch place was.

We had a  nice brunch and then took an Uber to do a hike at  Land's End which was so beautiful.  During the walk we reached 10,000 steps according to my fitbit and by the end of our day we had over 15,000.  

After our  walk we Ubered back - first dropping off Meg and Aris.  Instead of going into our hotel we walked down to the ferry terminal and wandered around.   

We bought a bottle of wine, some English Cheddar and a small loaf of sourdough bread and took our aching bodies back to our room.

Tomorrow is our wine tour.

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Things Discovered on the Way to Finding Other Things

You can change your text to speech here

Converting various types of files
I haven't checked this out yet and it's from 2012 so there may be better options