Monday, December 7, 2015

Karen's Cranberry Pie

I have bridge at my house today, in the afternoon for the first time ever in our 47 year history.  I was looking for something to make for dessert and was going to make a cranberry apple dessert and then I remembered Karen's Cranberry Pie and thought that I would make it so we could have it in her memory.  After I had it at her house at bridge I used to make it for Thanksgiving a lot but haven't made it in ages.

Karen we miss you!  Read about Karen here and here.

Cranberry Pie

2 cups fresh cranberries
1/2 c walnuts or pecans
1/2 cup sugar

Butter square pyrex pan or round layer cake pan and spread cranberries, nut and 1/2 cup sugar over the bottom.

2 eggs
1 cup sugar
1 cup flour
1/2 cup melted butter
1/4 c melted crisco (I use butter here too)
dash salt

Beat eggs well.  Add sugar gradually.  Add remaining ingredients and beat well.  Pour over cranberries and bake in 300℉ oven for 1 hour.  Serve warm with whipped cream or vanilla ice cream.

Note:  I made it again 10/07/2019 and it wasn't until I was looking for the recipe on 10/03 that I saw that it wasn't in my recipe index so added it then.

I have bridge here 10/24/2022 and will make it again.

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