Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Flu shot reminder

If you want to do anything that involves the arm you get you flu shot in, make sure to schedule your shot for when you have nothing going on for a few days.

Yesterday, Larry and I went over to Walgreens to get our flu shots.  The shot felt more weird than I remember going into my muwcle but the bad part was that 3 hours later I felt like I had damaged my shoulder in some way.  I couldn't figure out why it was hurting so much or why it was so hard to move my arm.  About a half hour later I remembered I had gotten that flu shot.

When I came  home I asked Larry if his arm hurt and it did in the same way.  I usually feel a little sore after but he doesn't.  Now we both did.  Hoping it will go away in a few days and not turn into a case of SIRVA which I never heard of until I looked up shoulder pain after flu shot.

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