Monday, October 23, 2017


We left Myrtle Beach early to spend the weekend with Gerry and Kay at there house and Nadine flew down from New Hampshire.  It was short but fun and when we left we booked a week at there house for next October.
 We took a walk down to the boat launch and took a group selfie.

We went out to dinner at Anson's where Nadine finally got the flounder dish she wished she had ordered the last time we were there (more than 10 years ago).

We went to the serpentarium in Edisto, not Kay's first choice.
 We watched this King Cobra have his lunch, which was another snake.  We found out that the snake that he was eating was already dead, frozen and defrosted before he got it.  This may be too graphic for some.
 We went to a reptile show and this was one of the stars.
 We spent a lot of time just hanging out on the new screened in porch.

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