Sunday, April 7, 2013

Orlando - April 2-6

We got to Vistana Villages, in Orlando around 4:00 pm on Tuesday and as we were unloading our car Audrey texted that they were at the gate.  No time to go grocery shopping before they got there so we waited for them to pull into the parking lot.

Audrey and I went grocery shopping and bought way too much food.  We put together appetizers and when we finished eating those we were too full to eat anything else.  Oh well, there was always tomorrow.

The next day Larry and Steve went to play golf and Audrey and I did yoga from a YouTube video and then went to the pool.  We planned on going in the hottub, but it was too hot and the hottub was too crowded.  Then we were bombarded by lots of bugs.  They looked like the love bugs we saw at the Villages last year, but these hadn't found love yet since they were all singles.  When the guys came back from golf I put together some appetizers for an early Happy Hour so we would have room for dinner.  I can't believe that the only picture I took while they were with us was this one.

Audrey and Steve visitied on the best days that we were in Orlando.  After they left on Thursday our weather went downhill.  It was cloudy and then rainy in the afternoon on Thursday.  In the morning we went to the Vineland Ave outlet mall that was practically around the corner.  Larry wanted to get a new battery and band for his watch so we went to the Timex store but it turned out to be a better idea to just buy a new watch since the watch he had needed to be returned to the factory for what he wanted.  Instead, it went to the trash!  I got three colorful tops at Talbots and really wanted to go back to the mall without Larry the next day since there were so many stores I wanted to still check out, but I never did.  probably just as well since I don't really need anything.
We got back to our place right before the rain started and we spent the rest of the day just hanging out inside.
On Friday we played some tennis in the afternoon, notice how well my new tote matched my shorts that I wore for tennis. 
It was cloudy but not wet, and I could feel all the potential places where I could be in pain the next day but I survived fine.

Friday night we watched two comedies on TV that we found by chance and really enjoyed them.  Stuck on You with Matt Damon and Greg Kinnear and then The Change-Up with Jason Bateman and Ryan Reynolds.  We laughed a lot.
When we left on Saturday it was sunny with blue skies, of course.

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