We took a drive south along the west shore of Maui until we ran out of road. There was a lot of lava there and black sand. I took a few pieces of lava for souvernirs and then had a funny feeling about it so I Googled a query, found that it was bad luck and promptly put it back.
This island is so interesting. It can be dry and desert like in one area and if you keep driving it becomes green and lush.
Later in the afternoon we went down to Whalers Wharf to catch the catamarran for our sunset cruise.
It was the Teralani 3 not the Teralani 2 which was the dinner cruise boat that stuck around for the sunset the previous night.
The boat pulled up to the shore and getting on and off the boat entailed timing the waves right and waitin for someone to give you the go ahead to avoid getting too wet. Getting off I got the go ahead but I got soaked anyway.
Three 20+ girls and a captain manned the boat and we had a motor ride out a ways and then they put the sails up.
The drinks flowed and the appetizers were so filling they became our dinner.
And then we had a sunset.
May 24, Thursday
We met in front of the resort at 6:40 AM for the van for the Road to Hana trip. It was an all day trip that started with a stop for a continental breakfast of fresh fruit, pastries, coffee and juice. Then it was on to see many waterfalls, one lane bridges and sharp turns.
Along the way we bought some banana bread and fresh coconut.
And then we saw some more waterfalls.
We had lunch at Hana Beach Park and it downpoured practically as soon as we got there, but 10 minutes later it cleared.
We stopped at Haleakala National Park where the 7 Sacred Pools are located. They were closed for swimming but we took a short hike past them.
We saw Charles Lindbergh's grave.
Our last stop before heading back was a winery where we did a tasting.
May 25, Friday
Our last day in Maui started with an early morning walk along the Beach Walk.
Before noon we were down at the ocean for a testing of the water since we hadn't been in all week. Then it was time to hang out at the pool after I checked out the craft sale that was going on.
A late lunch was a salad with all our leftovers and time with the birds on our lanai. There were the friendliest birds at our resort and they even ate out of my hand.
It was Friday Art Night in Lahaina so we decided to go in for that. After much debate over whether we should drive or take the shuttle we decided on the shuttle since we had more control over the time. Larry was concerned that we wouldn't find a parking spot but we found a great "free" lot on the south end of town right near Front Street and all the activity.
We walked into town after stopping to watch our last Maui sunset
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